Our school is called CPI Val de la Atalaya. It is located in María de Huerva, a village 20km away from Zaragoza -a city in the north of Spain.

The school provides Infant Education (students aged 3-6), Primary Education (aged 6-12) and Secondary Education (aged 12-16).

Teaching Foreign Languages, fostering school coexistence and health promotion entail the three fundamental pillars of our institution.

Another crucial aspect of our institution is the relevance that we give to the interrelationships among our students, even the ones from different educational stages. As educators, we try to minimize the gap between those stages by building a climate of trust and respect and by establishing and keeping a close coordination with the rest of the team members. 

We are a bilingual school (in English) and we teach French as a second foreign language. We follow the BRIT model from Aragon´s government, which started in our school in 2018.

In addition, we take part in many educational programmes related to our school aims: relational psychomotricity, active methodologies, physical activity, school radio, inclusive education and attention to diversity.

Since 2022, we are an Erasmus+ accredited school and from 2023/2024 academic year, mobilities, job shadowing and students’ exchanges are taking place.